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  • The Simple Trick Pros Use to Tee Up ⛳🔥

The Simple Trick Pros Use to Tee Up ⛳🔥

Plus: Fixing Chipping Yips & Bullseye Striker

In partnership with

What we'll cover this week

  • Tee Box Magic - A simple pro trick

  • Bullseye - Too accurate golfer

  • Fixng Chipping Yips - Bounce + Noise

Estimated read time: 6 minutes

This Week I Learned

Playing it safe > compounding mistakes.

Skip the hero shot between two trees over a bunker after a mistake. Do the unsexy thing and get the ball back into play. You'll thank yourself later.

Useless golf videos we’ve watched this week, so you don’t have to:

21 = 243 minutes saved

Tee Box Magic

We don’t think about this enough: where do we tee up our ball?

Honestly, the only thing I used to consider when teeing up was getting the right tee height. I’d plop my tee down in the middle, and that was it. Turns out, there’s a smarter way…

Video length: 8:06


  • Left or Right: Where you tee up your ball depends a lot on your shot shape.

    • Draw: If your ball moves right to left, tee up on the left side of the tee box.

    • Fade: If your ball moves left to right, tee up on the right side.

  • Adapt: As with everything in golf, you need to adapt. Adjust the rule above when there are reachable hazards in your way.

  • Miss Buffer: Aligning opposite to the biggest hazard for your shot shape gives you critical space to avoid landing in trouble. For example, if the hazard is on the right and your shot shape tends to be a fade, line up on the left side to give yourself extra room.

I used to just tee up in the middle and aim where I wanted the ball to start. I never thought about this simple tee box trick to give me that extra space.

I tried it yesterday and was surprised at how well it worked—I narrowly missed several hazards or roughs just because of my “miss buffer.”

Step Into Summer With Plant-Based Meals From Purple Carrot

Welcome the warm weather and lighten your to-do list with scrumptious, fully plant-based meals delivered straight to your door.

Purple Carrot wants you to spend more time soaking up the sun and less time stressing over mealtime. They offer a variety of meal kits that help you prepare delicious recipes, prepared meals that are ready to eat in two minutes or less, and grocery items that save you a trip to the store and help you keep your fridge fully stocked.

Whichever option you choose, you can trust that you’re getting nutritious, plant-based meals that are packed with flavor. Pick from high-protein, lower-calorie, high-fiber, and gluten-free options every week - if you want to build muscle, shed a few pounds, or just eat a little cleaner, Purple Carrot has meals and groceries that suit your needs.

This summer, they’re sweetening the deal with five new fun and tasty meal options.

Accuracy Level 9,000

If only he could be that accurate on the course.

Deals for the Feels

Looks like savings are taking a little break, but we’ve still got some gems for you!

  • Get 2 dozen TM Tour Response balls (white or yellow) for $75 instead of $86. Stock up—there’s no limit on how many you can buy! You won’t find a better price online, so grab them while you can.

  • Clearance on basically everything! I found some great deals on training aids and putting mats from PuttOUT, with discounts ranging from 40-60%. Also, don’t miss out on hats and belts.

Not much else is happening, aside from the usual year-long discounts on 3-year-old clubs, but these finds are definitely worth a look!

* Note: None of these are affiliate links. Just genuinely great deals we’re excited to share with you.

Fixing Chipping Yips

We all have that one area of weakness, and for many, it’s chipping - cue the Yips.

In this video, Dan Grieve (Short Game Guru) shares some easy steps to make chipping the strong suit of your game.

Video length: 11:38


  • Relax: This is the cure for ALL cases of the Yips. The moment you feel that fear of the “inevitable” bad shot, step back, take a deep breath, and return to the basics.

  • Glide Through Turf: The #1 rule of chipping is to let the bounce of your wedge do the work. Your clubface should be much more parallel to the ground than with other clubs. This helps your wedge GLIDE through the turf, not dig into it. If you’re leaving divots, open that clubface even more.

  • Practice Swing: Don’t skip it! Use your practice swing to confirm that your clubface glides through the turf smoothly.

  • Hear the Noise: Listen for the sound of the bounce skimming through the grass. It’s a distinct sound and a great confirmation that you’re set up for a solid chip.

Chipping really can be as simple as “Bounce + Noise.” Keep that mantra in mind during your next practice session to keep the Yips at bay:

Bounce + Noise. Bounce + Noise. Bounce + Noise.

Quick Bites for the Road

👑 What Nobody Tells You About Scratch Golfers - I love checking out what players WAY better than me are doing. This video by Golf Sidekick dives into concepts, not just mechanics, and it’s a must-watch if you’re aiming to level up your game.

🧠 Understanding Practice vs. Competition - This short video is a mental game booster, focusing on the toughest challenge for me (and maybe you as well): switching from range/training mode to tournament mode. 🏌️‍♂️🧠

🏴‍☠️ Golf Club Bought With Fraudulent Funds - A UK golf club is being auctioned off after it was discovered that it was purchased with fraudulent funds in 2013. This is a wild story that’s worth the read, and it’s too juicy to just sum up here. Fun fact: the UK has something called an “Unexplained Wealth Order.” 😲

Breathtaking View

This isn’t funny, but it’s insanely beautiful. What a view of a marvelous golf course.


Which golf course is famous for having a "green" made entirely of ice and is only accessible by helicopter?

👇 Answer see below 👇

If you liked this newsletter, refer it to a friend. If you hated it, send it to the ONE person you desperately want to beat (on the course).

Quiz answer

The World Ice Golf Championship is held in Greenland, featuring greens known as "whites" due to their icy nature. [Read more on Wikipedia]

Sincerely, your Magic Rabbit.

Leader through the rabbit hole. Bounce + Noise.