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  • 🏌🏼 Bunker Shots - The Easy Way ⛱️

🏌🏼 Bunker Shots - The Easy Way ⛱️

Plus: Mini-Golf Miracle. A Man's Redemption.

What we'll cover this week

  • Bunker Shots - The easy way out of the sand

  • Mini-Golf Miracle - Don’t laugh too soon, Missy

  • COIL YOUR BODY - My coach will be thrilled!

Estimated read time: 6 minutes

This Week I Learned

Baseball swing <=> Golf Swing

In golf, the club’s acceleration happens from the 9 to 6 o’clock phase, not from 12 to 9 like in baseball. It’s obvious when you think about it, but after years of playing baseball, I didn’t realize how much it messed with my golf swing. I used to whip my arm down as fast as possible at the top (12 o’clock), just like with a baseball bat. Now that I’ve fixed it, I’ve added 20 yards to my 5i. Lesson learned! 🤷‍♂️

Useless golf videos we’ve watched this week, so you don’t have to:

21 = 247 minutes saved

Bunker Shots If They Were Easy

Bunker Shots send a shiver down the spine of most amateur players.

“Open the club face, turn your feet left, swing along your stance, and HOPE that it goes near where you aimed.” is what’s been taught to millions of golfers. Turns out, there’s a better way, and pros like Scottie or Colin are showing us week in, week out how to do it:

Video length: 7:05


  • Lower handle & bend down - When you lower your handle, your club face automatically aims more towards the target instead of somewhere off target. Bending down helps with achieving a better center of gravity.

  • Weight forward - When you bend down you want to push your weight forward which also stabilizes your stance.

  • Parallel feet - Make your feet form a parallel line towards the target just like on an iron or driver swing, so it’s easier to aim.

  • Get a modern wedge - As tough as it is, your 20-year-old sand wedge might need a replacement. Modern wedges have a better bounce, which allows for a steeper angle of attack and more of a swing through the sand, so you don’t have to be super precise where you hit the ball. Just retire your old wedges.

Essentially, by lowering your handle and center of gravity, your bunker shots will get more predictable. The old-school approach still works but requires much more practice to get right than this simple new approach. Also, your shots become steeper out of the bunker so that virtually no lip will ever present a danger.

I can attest to the effectiveness of this method. I’ve been playing like this since last season, and bunkers have lost their scariness for me.

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Mini-Golf Miracle

Never doubt a desperate man about to lose his dignity playing mini-golf with his girlfriend.

Deals for the Feels

If you’re reading this it means I’m stuck in the Swedish wilderness without internet access to update the latest great deals. I’ll be back to my regular mode next week. Hang in there buddy.

Gain Distance at Home

“COIL YOUR BODY!” - I swear that’s what my coach’s inner monologue screams every time he watches my swing.

So, being the people pleaser that I am, I found the perfect at-home drill to not only reduce my coach’s stress levels but also help you hit longer, effortless shots.

Video length: 4:47

Coach Carolin’s Easy Drill:


  1. Stand Next to a Wall: Easy enough, right?

  2. Turn Towards the Wall: Here’s the key—your chest should face the wall, and your back should be turned away. Rotate your hip back for that coil.

  3. Put Your Hands on the Wall: Still with me?

  4. Turn & Push Away from the Wall: Keep those hands on the wall as you turn.

  5. Let Your Hands Go: Once you’re fully coiled, let your hands release from the wall. No need to force it—let the natural release do the work.

This drill gives you that “aha” moment where you finally get what your coach means by “COIL!” It’s simple, effective, and the best part? You can do it right before a round or range session (even though we know we’re supposed to stay off the range… but hey, rules are made to be bent, right? 🤷‍♂️).

Just find a wall, coil up, and get ready to hit longer, better shots!

Quick Bites for the Road

🤌🏻 Gain more Yards by Snapping the Wrist - A short article about the concept of snapping the wrist and when/where to accelerate your swing. Short and to the point.

📈 How to Start a Golf Business - Everybody dreams of starting a golf business but what does it actually take? Two investors who invest in golf businesses give some insights.


Which famous golfer was struck by lightning twice on the golf course and lived to tell the tale?

👇 Answer see below 👇

Feedback & send your stories

That's it for this week. Keep on training and be a real athlete in an utterly unathletic sport.

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Quiz answer

Lee Trevino was struck by lightning twice, once during the 1975 Western Open. Afterward, he famously joked that if you're ever caught in a storm, hold up a 1-iron because "not even God can hit a 1-iron."

I have to give it to Lee, that joke is world-class!

Sincerely, your Magic Rabbit.

Leader through the rabbit hole. Making holes in Sweden.